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Samatva offers a variety of wellbeing services for pre-teens and teens including school term programmes, a range of weekend/school holiday workshops and on demand private group or individual sessions.


Through yoga and mindfulness, students will develop greater resilience, focus, emotional regulation, self-compassion and empathy.


Weekly 'off the mat' practices will be encouraged to facilitate the development and practice of new skills and strategies, with the ultimate aim of enhancing overall wellbeing.

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School Term Programme

A six week tween & teen term time programme designed around a progression of themes and concepts to enable students to develop a yoga and mindfulness tool belt.


Six week wellbeing passes or casual drop in sessions are available, with a sibling discount.


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Private group & individual sessions

Private small group or individual sessions at your chosen location are available on request.


These could be for weekly sessions, a weekend workshop, a special event, or in school sessions. .

Contact us for pricing, availability and more information.



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Holiday Workshops & Programmes

A five day tween and teen holiday immersion programme designed around  themes and concepts to enable students to rest, recharge and relax during the school holidays.


Five day holiday wellbeing passes or casual drop in sessions are available.

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